On Saturday, 14 May, architects Vincenzo Melluso (Mellusoarchitettura), Marco Mulazzani (Uni.FE), Renato Rizzi (IUAV) and Beniamino Servino with the coordination of Laura Andreini, editorial director of Forma Edizioni, took part in the San Niccolò gymnasium to present the book, published on the 40th anniversary of the studio’s activity, which includes 47 projects. These include the Ponte della musica (Rome), the Palazzo della Provincia (Arezzo), the Guggenheim Museum (Helsinki) and the Pier Luigi Nervi Stadium and Campo di Marte (Florence). The author describes it as a book of images and words, a metaphor on impossibility, a significant part of the architect’s work.
The structure of the book is conceived in such a way as to bring together some of Ipostudio’s architectural projects, produced in different periods, which have similarities, conceptual characteristics, and common principles. Ipostudio is a working group founded forty years ago in Florence, whose architectural design work is carried out in the fields of civil architecture, social and health care, schools, special residences, and social housing. The works in this volume are works of architecture that never saw the light of day and that today, years later, need to be given a new chance, and in a certain sense, brought back to life.