Setting up Emilio Isgrò | Exhibition Info →Info →
LocationMontale | Italy
ClientFamiglia Nesti
Cost80.000,00 €
Built-up Area50 sqm
CreditsPhoto | Pietro Savorelli e Associati
On Saturday, July 13, the work entitled “dallachiesa” by the artist Emilio Isgrò was inaugurated in piazza Matteotti in Montale. It was commissioned by the Nesti family of Montale and realised with the contribution of ArcheaAssociati. The work was designed to honour fallen public servants and members of law enforcement and is based on a comment by General Alberto dalla Chiesa: “Some things are not done out of courage, they are done only to be able to look more serenely in the eyes of our children, and those of the children of our children”.
This project is composed of a metal shell supported by a bearing truss framework and was designed by integrating two pre-existing structures with niches that contain works by local artists, stimulating a continuous cultural project aimed at actively involving the community. The purpose of the project was to move beyond the physical aspect, encouraging intellectual participation able to enrich all the local population, calling them to actively participate in artistic projects, assuming a creative and craftsman’s role, rather than limiting themselves to a purely contemplative activity.
To sustain this vision, every year Stefano Nesti funds a scholarship to encourage three deserving students who can use the funding to attend foreign language summer courses in another country as an opportunity to expand their educational and cultural horizons every year.
Setting up Emilio Isgrò | Architecture | Exhibition |
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