Area 119 | Gaetano Pesce

International magazine of architecture and project design november/december 2011

Going against the current
To exercise the profession and art that Gaetano Pesce makes his livelihood from, and to live it to the fullest, takes a visionary and thus revolutionary ability that is a combination between the

International workshop at the Mackenzie University

18 October 2011

Planning architecture, building cities is the theme of the workshop that Marco Casamonti held Tuesday 18 October at the Mackenzie University in San Paolo.
The invitation received by Marco Casamonti from Valter Caldana director of the tradition-rich Brazilian university and curator of the ninth Architecture Biennial

Materia 71 | Transformation

Materia 71 | Transformation

Area 118 | Condominium

International magazine of architecture and project design september/october 2011

The collective dwelling: yesterday, today, tomorrow
Any entity, institution, school, any magazine, study centre or more simply, any designer interested in analyzing the disciplinary contents that pivot on architecture cannot but assign a central role, in its

MuBE | São Paulo

MuBE | São Paulo

The Adriatic Coast


Periodical Architectural Book, n. 1, 2010. Il nuovo Melangolo, Genova, Italia (pp. 74-75; 104-105)

Some parts of the Adriatic coast are so densely built that it is impossible to get a glimpse of the water from a seafront that is sometimes non-existent, because it is closed

Area 110 | Expo 2010 Shanghai

International magazine of architecture and project design may/june 2010

Better City, Better Life
If we cannot but wonder why it should be necessary to organize, participate or even simply visit a World Exposition when the web from Google Maps to YouTube  and all the means of

Residenza del Forte Carlo Felice

Residenza del Forte Carlo Felice

1968/2008 Forty years of design

1968/2008 Forty years of design

Area 95 | Steven Holl architects

International magazine of architecture and project design november/december 2007

Steven Holl
Every year Area dedicates one of its theme issues to a monograph on an author; rather than a substitute for a book or catalogue, in the editorial sequence this reflects a desire to document the

Vinar | Vino Arte Architettura

VINAR, at the Stazione Leopolda in Florence, was a multisensorial exhibition about wine, art, and architecture, created by Federico Motta Editore and Pitti Immagine, promoted by the Centro di Firenze for Moda Italiana, and in collaboration with the Camera di Commercio di Firenze and Provincia di Firenze. Archea Associati

The Coup de cœur du jury award for the NOUVELLE ARCHE project

at the Folies architecturales du 21e siècle competition - promoted by the city of Montpellier.
The special mention was conferred yesterday 15 March at MIPIM. Archea Associati's proposal brings together the components that characterise the Ovalie district: the tree, the tower and the door.

Antinori winery tops World’s Best Vineyards 2022

Ten years on, Cantina Antinori's project has won first place in the World's Best Vineyards 2022, the prestigious ranking of the most impressive wineries from around the world. The jury that decides the winner is made up of more than 500 wine connoisseurs, sommeliers and travel and tourism experts, who submit

Artemio Franchi Stadium |The competition for the new project

Artemio Franchi Stadium |The competition for the new project

LAURA ANDREINI | VIVE – Costruire raccontare architettura: Progettare e proteggere

LAURA ANDREINI | VIVE – Costruire raccontare architettura: Progettare e proteggere

LAURA ANDREINI | Infoprogetto – Edilizia sostenibile e design creativo: una visione futuristica

On 11 April '24 at the Infoprogetto event "Edilizia sostenibile e design creativo: una visione futuristica" at the Rocco B. Commisso Viola Park sports centre, Laura Andreini presented two of Studio Archea's major projects: Viola Park and the National Stadium of Albania in Tirana.
The aim of the event

LAURA ANDREINI | CONFRESTAURO – Forum Rigenerazione e Restauro: La valorizzazione del patrimonio architettonico e dei beni culturali

At the MAXXI in Rome, on 10 May, Laura Andreini took part in the "Forum rigenerazione e restauro: la valorizzazione del patrimonio architettonico e dei beni culturali", organised by Confrestauro and curated by Platform, with the aim of creating a dialogue between various professionals in the sector on their visions


On 21 November 2023, in the splendid setting of the Viola Park in Bagno a Ripoli - ACF Fiorentina's new training facility - Marco Casamonti spoke to present the latest generation sports centre project, talking about the technologies, systems and lighting design project developed by SIGNIFY and discussing the evolution of

MARCO CASAMONTI | 10° PAMBIANCO INTERNI DESIGN SUMMIT – Man at the centre of every sustainable project

MARCO CASAMONTI | 10° PAMBIANCO INTERNI DESIGN SUMMIT – Man at the centre of every sustainable project


At the Pistoia Nursery Campus, on 15 June 2024, architect Marco Casamonti gave a lectio magistralis as part of the programme, spread over three days, involving various world-famous architectural realities. The objective of this event, open to all, is to create a network of connections between the world of work and

MARCO CASAMONTI E LAURA ANDREINI | Meet Arch Workshop Re-Thinking Ponte alle Grazie

MARCO CASAMONTI E LAURA ANDREINI | Meet Arch Workshop Re-Thinking Ponte alle Grazie

MARCO CASAMONTI | FESTIVAL DELLA SERIE A – Italian stadiums: last call?

MARCO CASAMONTI | FESTIVAL DELLA SERIE A – Italian stadiums: last call?


At the Palazzo Bo in Padua, on 7 June, Marco Casamonti was a guest speaker at the conference "The life of man, the future of the planet: one health, the landscape and the '15-minute city'" and participated in the session with the review "How cities change after covid" and "

MARCO CASAMONTI | INNOVARTE – Creativity for tomorrow

On the occasion of "Creatività per il domani", a project promoted by LABA - Libera Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze (Free Academy of Fine Arts in Florence), Casamonti took part in the series of meetings aimed at students, teachers, and professionals from the world of culture and the



GIOVANNI POLAZZI | Perspective 2023

On Monday, May 15, architect Giovanni Polazzi participated for Simeon-the leading companies in the market of glazed facades and metal structures for large architectural works-in the Perspective 2023 conference. The architect presented a talk entitled Diary of a journey: Architectural idea becomes envelope.

LAURA ANDREINI | Storie di Architettura e design. Il progetto delle donne

Laura Andreini was invited, together with Carmen Andriani, to take part in the meeting "Storie di Architettura e Design Donne" curated by Fabrizia Ippolito and Chiara Ingrosso. The event was organised by the Dipartimento di Architettura e Disegno Industriale of the dell'Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli and

The Alban Tower was inaugurated on 13 May ’23 in Tirana

The Alban Tower was inaugurated on 13 May ’23 in Tirana

Area interior 03 | Yachting life

Area interior 03 | Yachting life

Area 183 | Temporary architecture

Temporary architecture, freedom architecture
I do not remember exactly  what year was it, yet I remember that during one of our informal talks, Pierluigi Nicolin, long standing executive editor of the renowned Lotus International magazine, brought my attention to what, in his opinion, was the most important architectural

Area 182 | Spaces for Art

Area 182 | Spaces for Art

Area interior 02 | Food

Area interior 02 | Food

Area 181 | Spaces for Art

If architecture is art and is viewed and thus experienced, as such, then when is it designed as the place in which art itself resides, whether a museum or an art gallery, the delicate problem arises of the relationship between container and content, between being and trespassing. On the

Area interior 01 | Comfort Zone (copia)

Within the art of the project, every project is an interior or, more exactly, the drawing of a place that is always inside another, up to the end of the universe of which we know what it encloses, while we have no way of knowing what is outside it. 

Area 180 | Milan

Miracle in Milan

A child follows a funeral procession into a city suspended between poverty and modernity, mud and marble, grief and hope. It’s the dramatic, moving opening scene of the movie “Miracle in Milan“ one of the most celebrated examples of Italian neorealist cinema. Through

area 179 | vo trong nghia architects

International magazine of architecture and project design november/dicember 2021

Cultural identity and design

The first time I went to Vietnam after a few days spent observing the colonial architecture of Ho Chi Minh city and its new buildings, the result of a not very electrifying “

area 177+ | living design

International magazine of architecture and project design september 2021

Living design
In recent decades we have been protagonists of a complete renewal of society; every social scheme built after World War II has been totally transformed as a result of complex factors that also include the concept

Area 188 | by the water

Reflecting on the relationship between water and architecture means opening scenarios and sectors of investigation so vast and detailed as to discourage any sector of research that is not necessarily circumscribed and narrow. Effectively, the disciplines connected with this pairing range from urban studies – bearing in mind that the

Area 189 | frugality

The most sensitive architects of the eastern world, especially in many of the finest examples we see in China, have begun to contrast the opulent western vision with a more domestic and introspective dimension of living. Of course, it’s always a mistake to generalize, and indeed, similar attitudes

Area 190 | healthcare

Area 190 | healthcare

Area interior 07 | hotel

Area interior 07 | hotel

Area interior 08 | transparency

The topic of transparency in architecture is not necessarily tied to the material, so the use of glass, however useful to brighten a habitable enclosure, is a necessary condition but not sufficient to dematerialize the structural component of the building. The essential factor, however, is rather a precise approach

Area interior 06 | Pattern

When I try to explain in a readily understandable way what I mean by the difference between a unilateral gesture and the value of an architectural project or design, I resort to a simple but, I think, effective parallel. A single column stands for nothing other than itself, and

Area interior 08 | Transparency

The topic of transparency in architecture is not necessarily tied to the material, so the use of glass, however useful to brighten a habitable enclosure, is a necessary condition but not sufficient to dematerialize the structural component of the building. The essential factor, however, is rather a precise approach

Area 187 | Supernatural

Area 187 | Supernatural

Was presented “Architetture mai nate. Progetti di Ipostudio. Dal 1983 al 2023” by Carlo Terpolilli, published by Forma Edizioni

On Saturday, 14 May, architects Vincenzo Melluso (Mellusoarchitettura), Marco Mulazzani (Uni.FE), Renato Rizzi (IUAV) and Beniamino Servino with the coordination of Laura Andreini, editorial director of Forma Edizioni, took part in the San Niccolò gymnasium to present the book, published on the 40th anniversary of the studio's activity, which

Architecture and Generosity Alfonso Femia | Paradigm.The architect’s table

Alfonso Femia signs the tenth appointment of the review Il table dell'architetto, the series of temporary exhibitions created in collaboration with the magazine AREA which features famous architects, collectives and architectural firms on the international contemporary scene. From 29 April to 5 October 2022, the internal loggia of the Museo Novecento will

Opening of Rifugio Digitale

Opening of Rifugio Digitale

EST. Storie Italiane di Viaggi, Città e Architetture

EST. Storie Italiane di Viaggi, Città e Architetture

Gender Gap | Paradigma. Il tavolo dell’architetto

On 28 April, for the cycle "Paradigma. Il tavolo dell'architetto", the ground floor loggia of the Museo Novecento in Florence will host the opening of GENDER GAP, curated by Laura Andreini, a gallery featuring the projects and maquettes of 20 international female architects: Carmen Andriani, Sandy Attia, Cristina Celestino, Izaskun Chinchilla,

Bronze Medal at the Sound and Vision International Film & Technology Festival

We are pleased to announce that the video “Water is Another Matter”, about the project of the Ex-Magazzino Vini - Eataly Store in Trieste, was awarded the Bronze Medal at the Sound and Vision International Film & Technology Festival in New York. The short film, that narrates the relationship

Paradigma. Il tavolo dell’architetto – online

From 20 April 2018, the Museo Novecento will periodically host "Paradigma - The architect's table", a series of meetings featuring famous architects, collectives and architectural studios from the contemporary panorama designed by Sergio Risaliti and curated by Laura Andreini.
During the most dramatic period of the health emergency that hit

TEMPODACQUA III Biennale di Pisa

TEMPODACQUA III Biennale di Pisa

Paradigma. Il tavolo dell’architetto: Michele De Lucchi

The event curated by architect Laura Andreini is part of the cycle of conferences "Paradigma. Il tavolo dell'architetto", the periodic project organized in collaboration with the Museo Novecento of Florence, a series of events that celebrates famous architects of the international contemporary scene. In this seventh event, scheduled from

Paradigma. Il tavolo dell’architetto: Adolfo Natalini

Paradigma. Il tavolo dell’architetto: Adolfo Natalini

Area 152 | Public nature

International magazine of architecture and project design may / june 2017
Public Nature
It is certainly not the first time that Area deals with landscapes. Although it tackles topics that refer to projects barely describable through the narrow field of observation of the photographic image, incapable of defining or

Archea al West Bund 2013 of Shanghai

Between 20 October- 19 December  2013, Archea is exhibiting at the Biennial of Architecture and Contemporary Art in Shanghai, a show organized in a former industrial district of Shanghai, once for manufacturing ceramics.
The event strives to be an opportunity to keep up to date and dialogue on recent developments in

Archea espone a Shanghai

The UBPA B3-2 exhibition pavilion, realized for the Expo Shanghai 2010, and the GEL-Green Energy Laboratory research centre which was opened in May 2012 at the Jiao Tong University in Shanghai, are the two projects chosen to represent Studio Archea’s recent activities in China within the context of the
