On Wednesday, Nov. 20, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., an event of great interest to the world of architecture and interior design was held, “PROJECT SYNESTESIES. Form, Matter, Color.” The meeting, organized by Area and FerreroLegno, took place in the charming Brera district of Milan, at the Archispace FerreroLegno in via Brera 16.
The appointment represented an important opportunity for designers and company to discuss the theme of color choices, exploring color as a tool of expressiveness and relationship in spaces.
Protagonists of the dialogue were Laura Andreini, deputy director of Area and founder of Archea Associati, Luca De Bona and Dario De Meo of Debonademeo Studio, Alessandro Pennesi and Beatrice Bottini of FORO Studio, and Ilaria Ferrero, CEO of FerreroLegno.
The event offered stimulating food for thought, involving participants in an in-depth exploration of the links between form, material and color in contemporary architecture.
A success that confirms the value of initiatives that promote dialogue and collaboration between professionals and companies in the sector.