On Saturday, January 18, 2025, in the prestigious setting of the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Empoli, the official presentation of the new municipal theater “Il Ferruccio” was held. The event, reserved for supporters and promoters of fundraising for the construction of the work, was attended by Mayor Alessio Mantellassi, Culture Councillor Matteo Bensi, and architects Laura Andreini and Mirco Donati, who unveiled a preview of the details of an ambitious project.

The new theater, overlooking the Arno River and conceived with sinuous and elegant forms, is distinguished by architectural lightness, energy efficiency and a multifunctional configuration capable of hosting musical, theatrical and artistic events. Dedicated to Ferruccio Busoni, a distinguished musician from Empoli, “Il Ferruccio” represents the fulfillment of a long-awaited dream of the community, which had been suspended since 1944 with the destruction of the city’s last theater during World War II. Thanks in part to PNRR funding and the commitment of citizens, who supported the work with fundraising campaigns, the project is finally taking shape: preliminary site work began on Monday, January 20.

As stressed by the mayor, the theater will be a symbol of cultural rebirth for the city and a new landmark for the entire community, ready to turn a collective dream into reality.