Studio Archea Associati is pleased to present an initiative organised by the Forma Edizioni publishing house that will take place in Venice from 12 May to 19 September 2021. The exhibition entitled “EST. Storie Italiane di Viaggi, Città e Architetture” (EST. Italian Stories of Travel, Cities and Architecture), curated by Luca Molinari, will be held at the prestigious headquarters of the Cini Foundation on the island of San Giorgio in Venice. The exhibition aims to tell the stories of places and cities by looking towards the East of the world, presenting the work of internationally renowned firms that have designed in Albania, China, Russia and Vietnam. Archea Associati will play a leading role with the major Italian architectural firms – RPBW – Renzo Piano Building Workshop, Studio Fuksas, aMDL – Michele De Lucchi, MCA – Mario Cucinella Architects and Piuarch – in a narrative journey that will take place in two different ways: an exhibition in the evocative space of the Sala Carnelutti of the Fondazione Cini in Venice and an online site.
The project, organised by the Forma Edizioni publishing house and curated by Luca Molinari Studio, tells stories of places and cities looking towards the East of the world, starting from Italy, which remains the central pivot around which the narrative path unfolds. Each studio has been asked to reproduce new visions developed in territories that have been characterised by profound and significant social, political and urban transformations over the last 30 years, confronting a complex post-ideological phase that has required original visions and solutions.
For each country, with particular attention to Russia, China, Albania, Georgia and Vietnam, contemporary Italian architectural culture will be compared with the historical imagination, told through the precious materials conserved at the Giorgio Cini Foundation. For China and Vietnam, volumes and maps will be exhibited accompanied by a selection of photographs from the Tiziano Terzani Fund, most of which were taken between 1980 and 1984, the period in which Terzani (under the Chinese name of Deng Tiannuo) lived in China or more correctly “lived China”. For the Russia section, some projects by Giacomo Quarenghi, one of the most important Italian architects in Russia at the time of Catherine II, and two engravings by Pietro Antonio Novelli have been selected. The last section, dedicated to Albania and Georgia, will display a number of volumes, including Giovanni Tacuino’s Viagio da Venetia al Sancto Sepulcro, & al monte Synai … Venezia (1523), the sixteenth-century best seller for pilgrims, and a number of maps dating back to the early nineteenth century.
Archea Associati proposes projects in Albania, Russia, China and Vietnam. The Liling World Ceramic Art City exhibition and reception complex in China; National Stadium of Albania, the largest stadium in Albania; the competition for the development of the Rublyovo- Arkhangelskoye area in Russia and the masterplan and wine cellar Ba Na Hills 2.0 in Vietnam.